Imagine that you've missed the deadline, which is really unpleasant. Moreover, it can lead to undesirable repercussions, especially when you've got no resubmission opportunity. In other words, missing the deadline may (and most probably will) negatively affect your grade, which means that you might not even pass your course. Therefore, I don't recommend you missing the submission date with your papers and other tasks because it won't do you any good, trust me. And this applies not only to college/university studies because missing deadlines at work might affect your salary and your position, as well.
So, what can you do about it? Let's figure this out!
Ask for a deadline extension!
A vast majority of students think that the chances to resubmit an assignment are extremely low. However, in the majority of cases, your tutor will most probably give you an opportunity to hand in your paper after the due date. Just provide a valid reason why you’ve missed the deadline.
Don't even try to lie to your professor or tell some fake stories. Try to be honest and explain your situation. Sure, you might be tempted to make up some stories that sound like a valid reason, but try to do it only as a last resort. If it worked once, don't try to use this method for the second time; trust me, you'll get yourself into a problem. Most likely, your professor will take your words with a grain of salt, listening to your reasons on a regular basis.
Paper writing services will help!
So, once you get the deadline extension and you really need the paper to be completed urgently, just find the right paper writing company that can make an assignment within the given deadline. They will definitely help you if you're desperate and stumped trying to grasp at a straw.
Be prepared to devote some time to the search. Paper companies charge much more for urgent deadlines, and it's better for you if your deadline has been extended by at least 1-2 days. The longer deadline is, the fewer bucks you’ll have to pay for the placed order.
The biggest advantage of the paper writing companies is the fact that they can work with various deadline options, and if you need a paper urgently, making the right choice of an academic helper will definitely save you from missing the deadline once again.
Ask your peers!
If you're not ready to pay for the paper writing services, you might ask your peers to help you with your paper or write it instead of you. In other words, try to ask a friend or some fellow students who were spotted "helping others" to write your college paper within the new deadline. A big plus is that you might not need to pay him/her for the assistance; you can be asked for a favor or doing his paper instead.
For example, you've missed the deadline for the Sociology paper, but you're already done with your Psychology paper. You might ask your friend to do this Sociology paper while you complete his assignment. It's much cheaper than paying professional ghostwriters.
However, similar to using assistance from the paper writing companies, such an approach may be considered a bit unethical. But, who cares about ethics when you've missed the initial deadline already?
Be prepared to fail regardless of how hard you try
Let's be realistic, guys. Not every day you can ask for a deadline extension, not every day you'll have a valid reason or will be able to make up a heartwarming story (which I still don't recommend you to do on a regular basis), and not every day you'll have a chance to place an order with a paper writing company.
Therefore, be prepared to get low grades for the missed deadline and focus on your next tasks! This will be much more efficient in a long-term perspective, will teach you some discipline, and help you to settle a habit of adhering to deadlines.
Sorry for sounding a bit harsh, I just wanted to be honest with you. Missing deadlines sucks, I know that.
Don`t do illegal stuff!
And I mean never. Never and ever. I could care less about unethical stuff that is not prohibited by your local legislation. But, if you try to violate the law just to get a deadline extension or resubmit the paper because you’ve missed the deadline, better don't. I don't want you to have problems with the officials that will result in negative criminal records.
For example, if you're considering bribing your tutor to get an extension, better don't do it. Any form of bribing (including sexual) is not only unethical but illegal. And it's not worth it.
If you get caught, it might ruin not only your academic reputation but your whole life. So, if you've already missed the deadline and there's nothing to be done, better accept this loss and focus on some further assignments to get a better grade in total.
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